I heal the beach with Tikoulou

Designed by VIZAVI Editions in collaboration with the European Union and Reef Conservation illustrated by Henry Koombes Distributed to all ECO-SCHOOLS of Mauritius and Seychelles, this board game invites children to discover, from space to space, the ecosystem of the lagoon with its fish, shellfish, corals and seaweeds. It also draws the attention of the players to the dangers of marine pollution, in particular by forcing them to collect all the litter on the beach and put it in a bin to protect the beach and its environment.

EAN : 609 130092 1328
Date de publication : 2020
Languages : Bilingual French/English
Price: 690 MUR

The playset includes : 1 game board with 40 spaces, 12 discovery cards, 35 question cards, 2 disaster cards, 1 reward cart, 1 dice, and 5 pawns.